Title: MaxCare - an integrated system for Electronical medical Records and consultation
URI: http://www.SWi.com.sg/products/maxcare/
Template-Type: DOCUMENT
ALIWEB-Title: Point to Point Protocol (PPP) frequently wanted information
Author-Handle: webmaster@theory.cs.uni-bonn.de
Description: Point to Point Protocol frequently wanted information, with lists of relevant RFCs, available software and hardware, how-to tips, workarounds, and a pointer to a RFC search machine.
Keywords: PPP, Point to Point Protocol
Title: Point to Point Protocol (PPP) frequently wanted information
URI: http://theory.cs.uni-bonn.de/ppp/
Template-Type: DOCUMENT
ALIWEB-Title: University of Bonn: CS Department Chair V: Publications
Author-Handle: reports@cs.uni-bonn.de
Description: List of reports and other publications of Chair V: Parallel Systems and Algorithms (or where Chair V is involved). With links to online copies or abstracts, where available.
Description: ARCnet cabling/installation manual, explaining bus, star, and mixed topologies, high and low impedance ARCnet network drivers, active and passive ARCnet hubs, ARCnet coax cable and ARCnet terminator, minimum and maximum length
Keywords: ARCnet, bus cabling, star cabling, active hub, passive hub, high impedance driver, low impedance, terminator, maximum length
Description: Information about Tushies Diapers The only GEL FREE disposable diaper with natural blend cotton for natural blend absorbency. Join the TushiesClub and receive discounted prices and your diapers delivered directly to your home, every two to three weeks, automatically!